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#67 - Not a proper update

Hey guys! So whats up? Im sorry that ive not been updating. I just cant find the inspiration to actually write promise that when I do a proper update, it will be a super long one!!! I promise. This post is just gonna be quite short and filled with some pictures to voice out about my feelings that ive bottled up for some time. Only some of my close friends knows and you who is reading this might know ( if you are the ones that I talk about, it just means how much you mean to me and I really treasure this friendship and I hope you too ). If you know it, please do me a favour of just keeping it to yourself ^^ I appreciate it a lot more than you think. Im serious. Recently, I just found out a new way to voice out myself, which is to express it through pictures or quotes. So below are some of my voice outs...

Written by XiaoQiii at 06:28 | 0 XOXO{s}